Brody joined right in and thought he was one of the class that day. He ate lunch and did some lessons with Houston. He had a really good day and now just can't understand why he can't go to school with Houston yet.
This is the school relay. This is the entire student body from preschool to high school seniors. The school is split into white knights and blue knights, hence the different colored PE shirts. Each quarter they do a different sport and the winning team gets the trophy and the loser gets a medal. Track & Field Day was a lot of fun because they gave out medals and ribbons in each event and each age group. Houston is a White Knight and so far he has two trophies, one medal and his six individual event ribbons. If the White Knights win this next quarter then they will win the Camelot Cup.
Look at Houston run!
Getting ready for the long jump.
Lunch time!
At the awards ceremony.
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