I've really gotten back into reading over the past couple of years. I used to read all the time when I was younger. I think having to read so many textbooks in college took me away from it for a while. The last thing I wanted to do when I had a break from school was stick my nose in another book. I rediscovered my love of reading while nursing Houston. I found I was watching way too much of the boob tube as I sat there nursing most of the day for the first several months. (Big babies eat a LOT ... trust me, I have much experience in that area.) I got tired of watching my "stories" and finally picked up a book. Since then, I can't even count how many books I have read. To name a few ... the first five Harry Potter books, all four of Dan Brown's books, a couple of cheesy romance novels, and lately two of Jane Austen's books ... which brings me to the point of this post ... I was really disappointed with Sense & Sensibility, which I finished reading today. I read Pride & Prejudice a few months ago, which I loved. And the movie is great too. I've watched it three times in the past month.
I was "supposed to" read these books in high school but could never get into them. For some reason, I am now able to read them and enjoy them. Even though I was disappointed in S&S, I could not put it down. Not sure if that makes sense or not but oh well. Now i'm looking for something else to read before I read Emma. Something unlike a Jane Austen novel. I would really love to find another author similar to Dan Brown to read. I really enjoyed all of his books. Anyone have any suggestions for me?