Sunday, June 04, 2006

41 weeks and still counting ....

Okay, so I'm not surprised that I went past my due date ... but I am very surprised that I am sitting here typing this seven days after my due date, still pregnant. What gives? I'm beyond uncomfortable and i'm really ready to meet the little one that i've been carrying around for so long. We went to walmart to pick up a new kiddie pool for Houston today and I had two different people ask me if I was carrying twins! And as usual, I had several different people ask me when I'm due because I look like i'm "ready to pop". Also got some advice from some older women as to what to do to get myself into labor. I heard one i've never even heard before from a woman who says she had fourteen children. She said drink a cup of really strong coffee with nothing else in it and sit in a very warm bath. At this point i'm considering it, even though I don't drink coffee anymore except an occasional cup of decaf. I've tried every other old home ready in the book besides castor oil ... and I really hope it doesn't come to that. I will do it to avoid going to the hospital to be induced but I really hope I don't have to. I'm getting uncomfortably close to that 42 week mark. If i'm still pregnant on tuesday I have to go to labor & delivery at AGH in Gainesville for a non-stress test. Walking into a maternity ward in a hospital while pregnant may be just enough to scare me into going into labor ... then I can head right back to the car and back home to Lake City to have this baby! My midwife is getting married on Saturday so I may have to pull out the castor oil on thursday if the visit to the hospital doesn't work. Honestly I just hope it happens tonight on its own so I don't have to deal with any of that!
Well that's enough rambling from me. I think i'm gonna head out to the kiddie pool to join Houston and the dogs in the 90 degree heat.


  1. Oh Celena,,, I have a good feeling it will be soon. You have a great attitude about it so I am sure that baby will just pop out any day.

  2. Celena, I totally hear you! Rauno was 11 days postdue when they forced the induction. Now i heard they can wait up to 2 and a half weeks. It will come out soon. :) Irene

  3. So, any news yet? That young 'un pop out yet? We're waiting here! :)
