Thursday, January 31, 2008

Oh The Internets ... :)

We've had broadband for less than 24 hours and there have already been at least three times where I've had this great realization of something I can now do online where I go running to the computer with joy. Does that make me a dork? Some things I've already done:
- Flickr ... having a blast with this, just love seeing what everyone has been up to ... if you don't have a flickr account go get one ... NOW
- Knitting Podcasts!!! (wheeee!)
- Knitting Patterns ... i can browse and other sites and not have to wait 10-15 minutes for a pattern to load
- Undyed Fiber/Yarn Shopping
- Blog Reading ... without having to wait forever and a day for blogs to load ... i used to pick two or three to check each day but now I can check tons of them ... i click and *poof* there they are like lightning! :)


  1. I know! Isn't it awesome?! We got cable internet (maybe not quite the same as broadband?) a couple years ago and I will never... go... back!

    Although I used to get a lot of knitting done waiting for pages to load, lol.

  2. And Ravelry! I bet all those photos load up pronto now!

    Best thing I ever did: Put all of the blogs that I read into a RSS Feed Reader. Google has a great one that you can access online from anywhere anytime. Like at work! Love it.
