Friday, June 01, 2007


I just finished a new post here and I find myself with a renewed desire to go back to school. I have always wanted to get my masters in mathematics but i've tried not to let myself think about it too much for reasons of time and money. Every time I do, however, the urge comes back full force. I might start looking into it again. Maybe make some phone calls and see what it all looks like. Can you tell from my recent posts that i'm back in the "trying to figure out what to do with my life after kids" thing? I'm done making babies and i'm ready to start looking towards the future a bit. If I got my masters in math I could teach at a community college, LCCC or Santa Fe, and let me just tell you ... that would be the perfect schedule for me. And I love math so it's a win-win situation. Variable schedule, no 8 to 5, semester breaks, three fresh starts a year, part-time or full-time ... perfect for me. I really wish my GRE score had not expired a couple of years ago because I did really really well on it. I'm sure I can study up and get another good score but I don't know that it will be as good as it was taking it at the end of seven years of engineering school. Sounds like a good challenge though, no? And it's the one thing I consistently keep coming back to.

Yes I know ... the technical side is coming through again. So goes the constant struggle that is my mind. Anyone know of a scholarship for stay-at-home moms? Ha ha. Oooh ... I could get football and basketball tickets again. Now there's a reason to go back to college! Anyone have any GRE prep CD's I can borrow? Mine's pretty old so it probably doesn't work with Windows XP.

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