Monday, May 21, 2007

Bithday Party Fun

We went to a birthday party on saturday. Our friends Josh & Laura's little boy Michael is turning 2 already. Boy how time flies! We all had a great time and as usual, Houston was joined at the hip to his friend Natalie. I somehow managed to not get a good picture of the birthday boy but I did get a couple of cute shots of Houston & Natalie. As we were getting ready to head to the party I was reminded of this time last year when I was extremely pregnant. Apparently I wasn't the only one thinking of it because several people at the party mentioned it to me. Everyone there thought I was gonna go into labor that day and couldn't believe I was still pregnant. What really got them was when I told them I didn't have Brody until three weeks after that party last year!

New camera takes great pictures, huh? I was just looking through my photo folder and i've already taken 119 pictures with the new camera. I've had it for five days. See why I was freaking out about not being able to take pictures last week?

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